Kidsave International has been dedicated to its mission in Ukraine since 2016, tirelessly working to find Ukraine-based mentors and permanent families for children who are orphaned or living in institutions. Kidsave’s work focuses on older children and finding them Ukrainian families who will love and care for them.

In a landmark development, in late 2022, Kidsave received a generous donation of 6.5 acres of pristine land nestled in the picturesque Carpathian Mountains of western Ukraine. This land has been transformed into the Kidsave Miracles Center, a comprehensive facility designed to meet the diverse needs of children and families. The center encompasses state-of-the-art of training facilities, conference halls, and office spaces, alongside modular housing for both children and prospective families. Additionally, the center includes, a wellness center, a sustainable fishery, a fully equipped commercial kitchen, and ample space for sports and recreation.

This multi-functional campus serves as a beacon of hope, offering essential services to children impacted by the trauma of war. Through specialized therapy and training programs, Kidsave aims to heal emotional wounds and foster connections between children and potential adoptive families by hosting connection events where children currently living in orphanages can meet and get to know Ukrainian families looking to foster and adopt. The Miracles Center also provides valuable vocational education, leadership training, and internship opportunities for emancipated orphans.

In July 2024, Kidsave will open its doors to the first group of 50 children from a shelter in the Mykolaiv region. Over the course of a two-month program, these children will undergo comprehensive wellness and trauma therapy while having the opportunity to bond with prospective adoptive families.

Kidsave’s goal is to place all the orphaned children who come to the center from a Mykolaiv shelter with loving, permanent Ukrainian families—and for those who need temporary care, with Ukrainian foster families, so they never have to return to a shelter or orphanage again.

Moreover, the Miracles center will serve as a pivotal hub for Kidsave's Pathway to Success program, which equips older youth transitioning from institutional care with mentorship, job readiness training, and essential life skills, setting them on a path towards independent living.

One distinguishing aspect of the Kidsave Miracles Center is its commitment to social entrepreneurship. Through initiatives like the Colyba Cultural Café, an on-campus eatery showcasing authentic Ukrainian cuisine, the center empowers children and families to engage in meaningful work and contribute to their community.

As preparations for the children's arrival continue, there remains a pressing need for essential supplies such as sports equipment, bedding, and art materials. Your support is invaluable in making this vision a reality. If you can contribute, please reach out to Together, we can create a brighter future for Ukraine's vulnerable children—one filled with love, stability, and opportunity.

Learn more about Miracle Center