Yesterday, the Parliament ofUkraine passed the Law* introducing changes to the Tax Code.
Among other changes, a temporary 1.5% military tax on personal income wasintroduced. This is effective until 1 January 2015 and affects all resident andnon-residents whose Ukrainian income is derived from:
 - employment related income (including salary and benefits), 
 - remuneration under civil agreements, and
 - winnings from lotteries and gambling.
The tax base is not capped.
Ukrainian employers and other tax agents will be responsible for withholdingthe tax from an individual's personal income, and then transferring it to theState budget.
The Law* should enter into force starting from the next day following the dayof its official publication.

*TheDraft Law # 4309a dated 21 July 2014


Ron Barden,
Partner & TLS Leader,
Rob Shantz, Legal Partner,
Slava Vlasov, Partner, Tax and Legal Services,

KristinaKochetkova,Manager, Tax and Legal Services,

75 ZhylyanskaStreet | Kyiv | Tel:  +380 44 490 6777 | Fax: +380 44 490 6738 |  | 

 This flash report isproduced by PricewaterhouseCoopers’ tax and legal services department. Thematerial contained in this alert is provided for general information purposesonly and does not contain a comprehensive analysis of each item described.Before taking (or not taking) any action, readers should seek professionaladvice specific to their situation. No liability is accepted for acts oromissions taken in reliance upon the contents of this alert.
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